C.I.B, GCh. SK, Ch. SK, CZ, J.Ch. SK, H, CZ, A, PCH. SK EDYSS Beautiful Blue Ballerines
Eu DDC breeding
HD-A,A ED-0,0
DCM- free
CACIB Veľká Ida (07/07/2018) - Minor puppy class : VP1
Club show, DE DDC Heckenheim (15/07/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP1
Duodanube Bratislava (19/08/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP1
Club show, CH Zofingen (31/08/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP2
EuDDC show, CH Zofingen (01/09/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP3
Club show, FR in Neuvic (15.-16/09/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP
Special show, SK Bojná (06/10/2018 - Minor puppy class: VP2
MVP České Budejovice (07/10/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP1
CACIB Komárom (20/10/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP1
Special show, HU Komárom (20/10/2018) - Minor puppy class: VP1, BIS II. Minor puppy
3x CACIB Bratislava (27/10/2018) - Puppy class: VP2
3x CACIB Bratislava (28/10/2018) - Puppy class: VP1
New puppy champion of Slovakia
DUO CACIB Brno (03/02/2019) - Junior class: EXC.2
VICTORY SHOW Bratislava (23/02/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, junior Victory winner
Národná výstava psov Bratislava(24/02/2019) - Junior class: EXC.2
IHA Graz (10/03/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, Jungendbeste, BOJ, BOB
National dog show Ostrava (07/04/2019) - Junior class: EXC.2
Club Show, HU (04/05/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, HPJ, Junior club winner, Best of Junior, Junior BIS II
Jubilejná výstava nemeckých dôg Bojná (01/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, Junior special winner, BOJ, BOB
Klubová výstava nemeckých dôg Bojná (02/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, Junior club winner, Best Slovak breeding
New junior champion of Slowakia
Komarom CACIB (10/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, HJP, BOJ, BOS
Komarom CACIB (11/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, HPJ, BOJ, BOB
New junior champion of Hungary
Austrian winner Wels (14/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, Jugendbester, BOJ
European dog show Wels (16/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.4
MVP Intercanis Brno (23/06/2019) - Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, BOJ
The 50th Clubshow of Great Danes CZ (20/07/2019) -Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, Junior club winner, BOJ, Junior BIS
The II. Clubshow of Great Danes CZ (21/07/2019) -Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, Junior BIS
New junior champion of Czech Republik
CACIB Bratislava (17/08/2019) - Open class: EXC.1, CAC, Res. CACIB
CACIB Bratislava (18/08/2019) - Open class: EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Špeciálna výstava nemeckých dôg Bojná (24/08/2019)- Junior class: EXC.1, CAJC, Junior special winner
Club show, FR Neuvic (16.-17/09/2019) - Junior class: EXC.
IHA Tulln (28/09/2019) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, Crufts qualification, BOS
New junior champion of Austria
IHA Tulln (29/09/2019) - Intermediate class : EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB
CACIB Komárom (05/10/2019) - Intermediate class : EXC.1, CAC, Res. CACIB
Special show in Hungary (05/10/2019) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, HPJ, Junior special winner, BOJ, BOB, BIS Junior, BIS
DOUBLE CACIB - Prague Expo Dog (30/11/2019) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC-ČMKU, BOB
DOUBLE CACIB - Prague Expo Dog (01/12/2019) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC-ČMKU, BOB
3xCACIB NITRA NITRAWA CUP (06/12/2019)- Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Brněnská národní výstava psú (12/01/2020) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC
Nitradog CUP (24/01/2020) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, Res. CACIB
New champion of Slowakia
MVP DUO CACIB (02/02/2020) - Intermediate class: EXC.1, CAC, Res. CACIB
New champion of Czech Republik
Klubová výstava Nemeckých dôg Bojná (12/9/2020) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC, club winner , BOB
Špeciálna výstava Nemeckých dôg Bojná (13/9/2020) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC, special winner , BOB, BIS dog from Slovakia breeding
Klubová výstava Nemeckých dôg Bojná (15/5/2021) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC, club winner , BOB, BIS dog from Slovakia breeding, BIS 2021
Nitra Grand Prix Slovakia Winner Show (10/7/2021) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC , Res. CACIB
New grand champion of Slowakia
Nitra Derby Winner Show (11/7/2021) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC , CACIB, BOS, Cruft qualification
EDYSS Beautiful Blue Ballerines has fulfilled the conditions for C.I.B
Špeciálna výstava nemeckých dôg Bojná (07/08/2021) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC
Klubová výstava Nemeckých dôg Bojná (15/05/2022) - Champion class: EXC.1, CAC, club winner , BOB, BIS dog from Slovakia breeding
Klubová výstava Nemeckých dôg Bojná (06/05/2023) - Champion class: EXC.2, Res. CAC
Klubová výstava Nemeckých dôg Chorvátsky Grob (05/05/2024) - Honour class: V1