Calexis, Corleone, Cindy, Cassius, Crystal, Coolicka, Coddy, Cristian
Another stage of our life is gone. Beautiful 11 weeks. And it's time to introduce our new member and support in our Beautiful Blue Ballerines kennel. We hope that our little girl will be especially healthy and perhaps successful in the exhibition world.
02/07/2017 - Ziggy was the first who's left to his new family. We believe that he will have the best life in a family where Great Dane grown up already and that he was selected by right people and, of course, he selected them, too. We have to believe that he will be a good and healthy partner for his new masters for a long time.
07/07/2017 - One of the best moments when new owners came for Cindy and 11 years old Great Dane Timy was peeping out of the car. Cindy, called Ruženka at home, otherwise big rebel, has to cheer up Timy after losing his friend Agátka which has left for the Rainbow Bridge in her 10,5 years. I strongly believe that Cindy will live in this perfect family to a great age in a lovely setting surrounded by mountains and nature in a robust health.
08/07/2017 - Cassius alias snivelling guy from Pezinok will be four-legged baby and he will make the company to a young, pleasant lady and she will pamper him as much as she can. Cassi, no snivelling and be good. I wish you a long life without obstacles and illnesses.
08/07/2017 - Crystal will have probably the least boring life of all and he will have a non-stop who to bother. He went to a family with many four-legged friends, to a family of trainers. I hope he'll obey his new family perfectly and that we'll see him in the world of exams and exhibitions. Please, don't roll your friends in fervour of playing and clowning. We wish you a lot of health in your new home.
08/07/2017 - The biggest surprise for me was the home of this small, purple, cheerful and playful bunch of happiness. Coolicka will probably be the new support in the kennel of her father von Mraque in a couple of years. Again, one of the most beautiful meetings of our children with 9 years old grand-aunt Bedřiška, which left home with little Coolicka. Cooli, be good, don't be frisky to a granny, bite Klára when she'll make you angry but above all, be happy and healthy for a long time.
14/07/2017 - Coddy alias Cibik. And our mascot of "C" litter has already left us. He was the first in the "C" litter, he proudly bears the letter "C" of this litter on his chest and he went to the perfect Cibik family, so he was our little Cibik. We wish you a lot of happiness, love and mainly health.
18/07/2017 - Today was the day when our last puppy went to a new family, our Cristian. And another stage of our life is gone. Beautiful 11 weeks. Cristian will be in a family with 3 small dogs (I hope he'll be gentle to them) and with small 2 years old boy. I believe it is the right family for him and that he was waiting for it. We wish you mainly a lot of health.